
Showing posts with the label 2 ways to detangle hair

Knots and Tangles Problems FIX

 Mostly when we just go natural and really don’t know how to manage our hair or don’t have a hair routine we mostly tends to struggle with detangling process,I know this because I’ve been there with my own natural hair that’s is why I bring you how to remove knots and tangles from natural hair  Are you tired of knots and tangles? Having to deal with tangles and single-knots is not a joke,this is the time where most naturalists enjoy their hair wash routines especially if they have teeny weeny Afro,because I usually don’t spend hours detangling my natural hair at this stage in my Natural Hair Journey but when my hair starts growing and getting bigger and longer that’s is when I usually start to worried about detangling process because it very important if you’re planning on growing a long healthy natural hair, At this point I usually use to find myself getting more and more frustrated during my first Natural hair Journey that’s is why I decided to talk about this topic before s...