Hair Porosity Testing and Hair Typing

Alright I’m going to be sharing with you guys this major topics in the natural hair community,which is hair porosity and hair typing,if you don’t know what your hair type is then this post is just for you,keep on reading. Porosity is the measurement of how well your hair can absorb and retain moisture,Your hair porosity also determine what products you should use to moisturize your hair,So now it’s time for your test out,Let’s do this before you continue to read through this blog post. Porosity is categorized into low,medium,and high Here's how to tell what your porosity is, Take a few strands of hair and put them into a container of water; leave it for about 3-5 minutes After the time is up check to see if the hair floated,If the hair is floating,you have low porosity,if the hair sinks you have high porosity.If your hair is submerged somewhere in the middle,you have medium porosity. Low Porosity. Low porosity hair is moisture resistant, which means its harder to keep it moisturize...