Hair Porosity Testing and Hair Typing

Alright I’m going to be sharing with you guys this major topics in the natural hair community,which is hair porosity and hair typing,if you don’t know what your hair type is then this post is just for you,keep on reading.

Porosity is the measurement of how well your hair can absorb and retain moisture,Your hair porosity also determine what products you should use to moisturize your hair,So now it’s time for your test out,Let’s do this before you continue to read through this blog post.

Porosity is categorized into low,medium,and high Here's how to tell what your porosity is,

Take a few strands of hair and put them into a container of water; leave it for about 3-5 minutes After the time is up check to see if the hair floated,If the hair is floating,you have low porosity,if the hair sinks you have high porosity.If your hair is submerged somewhere in the middle,you have medium porosity.

Low Porosity.

Low porosity hair is moisture resistant, which means its harder to keep it moisturized, though it takes longer to dry when it is moisturized; it is also very prone to product buildup and dry scalp. Low porosity hair would benefit greatly from a protein-free washday and oils for moisture. Jojoba and Jamaican Black Castor oil are great to start off with.Also cream based products like leave-ins with oils in them are the way to go.(Also, go easy on the gel , lol.) 4C hair is the kinkiest of all the hair types. It can be very thick and doesn't always retain moisture with just water.)

High Porosity.

High porosity hair is the easiest to moisturize,but also the easiest to damage with too MUCH moisture. It can get very frizzy, leading to dryness,in humidity and dry heat.You should definitely use sealing products like raw shea butter, cocnut oil, olive oil, and leave-ins will do it some good.Try to avoid an overload of water, like excessive swimming or washing your hair too much.

Medium Porosity.

Medium porosity is kinda rare and tricky.I don't know too much about it,but from what I have seen is that the hair cuticles are a little more open,allowing for a small amount of moisture without trying too hard. BUT,medium porosity hair can be easily damaged and increased to low porosity with frequent coloring,heat, cutting,and chemicals.Try avoiding protein and make sure to deep condition your hair at least once a week.You might also benefit from a hot oil treatment every 2 weeks or so on.

Hair Types.

Here are other simple ways to understand your Hair type.

There are a number of factors that are good to know when dealing with natural hair.Your hair type plays a bit role in the characteristics of your hair.

If you’ve been longing for beautiful and thriving hair, knowing your hair type is very beneficial,Only then can you know the right products to use and how to use them to fulfill all your hair's special needs.

Hair type is also determined by your curl pattern,the amount of curling is based on your hair follicle's shape.Oval or asymmetrical follicles means curlier hair. 

There are 4 basic hair types, mainly.

1 Straight

2 Wavy

3 Curly

4 Coily

There are also three subtypes for each hair type,based on the tightness of the curls or coils.So there's type 1A,1B,and 1C,The same goes for the others types 2,3,and 4.

To determine your hair type,compare your hair curls to the pictures on a hair type chart,One of them will match yours.From there,you can be sure of how best to care for your unique hair,

Do you already know your hair type? Share your insights in the comments below and let’s hair talk.

Bye for now Curlsgirls,From SoniaChic95 


  1. Rose Ann Sales2/16/2021 12:43:00 AM

    I really don't know that there are levels for hair porosity. What a nice post

  2. Thanks for the enlightenment on porosity of hair.

  3. Interesting, I'll have to try this!

  4. Whoa! I learned something about hair. I had absolutely no idea that there were levels to hair.

  5. I never knew that this was how you could check your hair porosity. I am going to have to try this myself because I know there are so many benefits to knowing what type of hair you have so I know what would be the best hair products to use for my hair routine.

  6. Great way to learn about the hair and actually check out our own porosity of the hair!

  7. This is something that is good to know. I had no idea of how to do a hair porosity test and would love to try this tomorrow. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Thats interesting, did not have much idea about hair porosity test. Keeping hair healthy and fine is so important. Good read

  9. That is quite interesting test to try out. I've never tried this one out and I'd love to know the result in mine.


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