Growing 4c hair is harder than any other hair types,that’s Why you need to Set a short term goals for your kinks hair which is going to help you Focus on your natural hair grow Journey instead of being in rush for your hair to grow,My hair before and after one year ago.
Back in the days when I first when Natural this is what I was using on my hairline because my twa was so mess up and damage,actually mainly my edges Guys,it was bad off my hair I means,Rice Water is one of those diy hair grow treatments things that I will never forget because of the vitamins and minerals plus it cheap,I have tried it all rice water.from-Black rice to White rice then Brown rice/Long grain rice,black wild rice,
I highly recommend you try this at least from Monday to Friday and take a break Again add in moisturizer after rinsing out the rice water
Rice grains contain 75–80 percent starch.
Rice Water Contained.
vitamin E,minerals,antioxidants,amino acids,B vitamins
Bulgur wheat Water For Natural Hair Growth
Your can also choose any Essentials Oils of your choice,
Cleaning Face with Rice Water is something I can still remember because back in Liberia Rice is our major Food,Rinsing hair in rice water is a traditional beauty treatment popular in some regions in Asia,make sure to add in moisturizer after rinsing out the rice water because rice water is very drying on type 4c & 4b Natural hair
Bye for now Curlsgirls,From SoniaChic95
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