

Alright let’s talk Shampoo and Cleanser,In the natural hair community Shampoo has become a bit taboo because of our dry natural hair,for certain some are more concern about shampoo drying out their natural hair so they usually don’t shampoo their hair,that is why I’m here to help you break that Secret circle about shampoo or cleanser, The best shampoo experience for texture hair is a sulfate-free, paraben free,silicones free,shampoo that thoroughly cleans the curls while not damaging the hair and scalp,and also provides the kind of moisture and protection from environmental elements such as UV rays That is why you want your shampoo to be sulfate-free, paraben free,silicones free,so that the cleansing process isn’t over-drying and therefore hard on your delicate coily or kinky texture and can also be used to clean your scalp not your hair. You also want to remove buildup of oils and other products from your scalp.while at the same time you don't want to shampoo too much because you&